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Table 11 Episodes of crisis (stock market volatility shocks)

From: The Swiss franc safety premium



Gulf War I

August 1990–March 1991

Asian Crisis

June 1997–January 1998

Russian Crisis, LTCM Default

August–September 1998

Dotcom Bust*

April 2001

9/11 Terrorist Attacks

September 2001

Worldcom, Enron Bankruptcy

July–September 2002

Gulf War II

March–May 2003

Credit Crunch, Lehman Default

August 2007–March 2009, October 2008

Greek Government-Debt Crisis*

May 2010–end of sample

  1. All episodes except the ones marked by * are taken from Bloom (2009). Bloom identifies periods of major stock market volatility shocks by analysing the deviations of a stock market volatility series from its detrended mean. I partially extend the length of these periods as the events leading to this increased volatility in stock markets already started earlier and lasted longer than indicated by Bloom and because there is evidence in my time series of extensive market reaction. I followed Maggiori (2013) in adding the event of the dotcom bust, and finally included the the recent Greek government-debt crisis