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Table 5 Description of the variables

From: Culture, money attitudes and economic outcomes




‘Savings’ is made up of one binary item (yes/no): ‘can you usually put money aside every month?’


‘Debt’ is made up of nine binary items (yes/no): ‘at the moment, do you have the following:

(i) one or several overdue bills; (ii) one or several overdrawn accounts; (iii) one or several negative balances on your credit cards; (iv) a loan from a bank or an entity that provides small-scale credits; (v) a loan from your family; (vi) a loan from your friends; (vii) leasing for a vehicle; (viii) instalments of a payment agreement that are ongoing; (ix) a purchase on credit that is ongoing.’ A single ‘yes’ on the part of a respondent is sufficient for the individual to be considered as indebted/having a debt

Overdue bill(s)

‘Overdue bill(s)’ corresponds to item (i) of ‘debt’


‘Leasing’ corresponds to item (vii) of ‘debt’

Types of education

01) No school education

02) Primary school

03) Secondary school

04) Elementary professional training

05) Apprenticeship, professional training

06) Vocational school

07) Higher commercial school

08) Professional baccalaureate

09) School with baccalaureate exam.

10) Higher professional training (with diploma)

11) Higher technical/management school

12) University of applied, teacher training

13) University/polytechnic

Level of education (low)—elementary education

Types of education (01–04)

Level of education (medium)—Professional training

Types of education (05–11)

Level of education (high)—tertiary education

Types of education (12–13)