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Table 15 Model parameters (Continued)

From: Cost distribution and equity of climate policy in Switzerland



mult i

Fuel specific multiplier on CO 2 tax

\(\phi ^{EDT}_{i,g}\)

Electricity intensity of commodity value

e e, st

Energy content of good e

vom g

Baseline output of activity g

vid c

Baseline investment demand

vex i

Baseline exports

vim i

Baseline imports

vafm i, g

Baseline intermediates demand

vam i

Baseline market supply

vtax i, g

Baseline commodity tax payments


Baseline national energy demand

ene e, g

Baseline energy demand


Emission cap for Swiss ETS

co2e, g

CO 2 content of energy demand by g


Baseline non-ETS emissions

vist st, i

Baseline supply of intermediates for energy services


Baseline demand for intermediates for energy services

vfm f, i

Baseline factor demand

evom f, c

Baseline factor endowment

vinc c

Baseline income

tcorr hh

Difference marginal and average income tax rate times income

trf hh

Benchmark transfers


Benchmark balance of trade

mrtincf f,hh

Marginal income tax rate on factor f

mrtinctec tec,hh

Marginal income tax rate on tec specific capital

mvtfinc f,hh

Marginal income tax rate times income for factor f

vtf lab,hh

Volume of social security contributions

\(mrtlinc^{net}_{\text {hh}}\)

Income tax on labor income based on net income

rti i

Tariff rate on imports

rtf f, i

Tax rate on factor demand


Tax rate on factor demand by power generation technologies

rtfhh lab,hh

Tax rate labor provision

rtavrow i

VA tax rate on exports

vtav i, g

Baseline value of ad valorem taxes

rtav i, g

Net rate of ad valorem taxes

vtmo i, g

Baseline value of mineral oil taxes


National target for CO 2 emissions


Baseline emissions outside ETS


Exogenous CO 2 tax


National target for electricity demand

enetax edt

Tax on electricity


Technology-specific targets for market shares under KEV

rtmo i, g

Baseline mineral oil tax rate